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Pinout Designer Tool


The Toradex Pinout Designer is a powerful tool for configuring the pin muxing of Toradex System on Modules. The tool allows comparing the interfaces of the different modules. It's easy to check whether existing carrier boards are compatible with the latest Toradex modules.
Please also take a look at our Carrier Board Design Section.

Features of the Tool

  • The tool detects conflicts in the selected configuration
  • Multiple modules can be selected
    • Differences between modules are highlighted
    • It allows the creation of a configuration that is compatible with different Toradex modules
    • It facilitates migrating between modules
    • Learn how to use it in the specific section
  • The Pinout Designer can be used for configuring the pin multiplexing of a single Toradex module
  • The Pinout Designer is a powerful tool to check whether the pin muxing of an existing carrier board is compatible with new Toradex modules
  • The export function allows the creation helpful function and pin lists for the hardware and software development

Limitations and Precautions

  • Use always the latest version of the tool and the database.
  • Always check for information about the interfaces in the datasheet of the corresponding module.
  • The pin muxing database is carefully created and tested. However, Toradex does not guarantee that the data is correct. Toradex cannot be in anyway held responsible for faults that may be caused by inaccuracy of the database or the tool.
  • Even though the tool shows the compatibility between two interfaces, beware that there could still be incompatibility in voltage levels, interface speeds, protocol, signal mapping, or any other specification.
  • Even if an interface is available for a certain module, it is not guaranteed that Toradex will provide its drivers in the standard operating system image. Additional drivers may be necessary or there might be no currently available driver.
  • Whenever possible, it is recommended that you test the configuration on a suitable evaluation board. Toradex evaluation boards allow accessing major parts of the signals and using them for different purposes.
  • The Colibri T20 has an additional pin muxing restriction which is currently not checked by this tool. The pins of the Nvidia T20 SoC are organized into groups. It is only possible to change the multiplexing of a complete group. Therefore, a manual check is needed. More information can be found in the datasheet.
  • According to Nvidia’s recommendation for the Apalis T30 and Colibri T30, the different interface instances should not be mixed up within an interface. For example, it is not recommended to use UART1.E-RXD together with UART1.A-TXD. Either use all the signals from instance E or from A. More information about this can be found in the datasheet.
  • If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

Hardware Compatibility Table

The purpose of the below table is to map the supporting tool versions and database names to the product version (PID4 and PID8) combinations. Make sure to download the corresponding version of the tool from the previous section.


Colibri Compatibility Table
PID4Product nameProduct versions (PID8)Pinout Designer versionDatabase familyDatabase nameComment
0015Colibri iMX6DL 512MBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.5.0ColibriiMX6This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0015Colibri iMX6DL 512MBV1.1AlatestColibriiMX6
0017Colibri iMX6DL 512MB ITV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C1.3.5.0ColibriiMX6This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0017Colibri iMX6DL 512MB ITV1.1AlatestColibriiMX6
0014Colibri iMX6S 256MBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.5.0ColibriiMX6This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0014Colibri iMX6S 256MBV1.1AlatestColibriiMX6
0016Colibri iMX6S 256MB ITV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C1.3.5.0ColibriiMX6This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0016Colibri iMX6S 256MB ITV1.1AlatestColibriiMX6
0062Colibri iMX6ULL 1GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestColibriiMX6ULL_1GBVersion with eMMC
0036Colibri iMX6ULL 256MBV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.1AlatestColibriiMX6ULL
0044Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB ITV1.0A, V1.1AlatestColibriiMX6ULL
0045Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB WBV1.1AlatestColibriiMX6ULL_WB
0040Colibri iMX6ULL 512MB WB ITV1.0A, V1.1AlatestColibriiMX6ULL_WB
0039Colibri iMX7D 1GBV1.1AlatestColibriiMX7D_1GB
0041Colibri iMX7D 512MB EPDCV1.1ANot Supported by the Pinout Designer
0033Colibri iMX7D 512MBV1.0A, V1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1C, V1.1DlatestColibriiMX7D_512MB
0032Colibri iMX7S 256MBV1.0A, V1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1C, V1.1DlatestColibriiMX7S_256MB
0052Colibri iMX8DX 1GBV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C, V1.0DlatestColibriiMX8X
0051Colibri iMX8DX 1GB WBV1.0A, V1.0C, V1.0DlatestColibriiMX8X_WB
0050Colibri iMX8QXP 2GB ITV1.0A, V1.0C, V1.0DlatestColibriiMX8X
0038Colibri iMX8QXP 2GB WB ITV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C, V1.0DlatestColibriiMX8X_WB
0001Colibri PXA270 312MHzV1.2A, V1.2D, V1.2FObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0008Colibri PXA270 312MHzV2.0A, V2.1A, V2.2A, V2.2BObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0008Colibri PXA270 312MHzV2.4A, V2.4C, V2.4Y, V2.4ZlatestColibriPXA270
0002Colibri PXA270 520MHzV1.0A, V1.2A, V1.2B, V1.2D, V1.2F, V1.2GObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0009Colibri PXA270 520MHzV2.0A, V2.1A, V2.2A, V2.2B, V2.2C, V2.3AObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0009Colibri PXA270 520MHzV2.4A, V2.4B, V2.4C, V2.4DlatestColibriPXA270
0004Colibri PXA300 208MHzV1.1A, V1.1BObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0004Colibri PXA300 208MHzV1.3A, V1.3BlatestColibriPXA300
0007Colibri PXA300 208MHz XTV1.3AlatestColibriPXA300XT
0005Colibri PXA310 624MHzV1.3A, V1.3B, V1.3ClatestColibriPXA310
0003Colibri PXA320 806MHzV1.2C, V1.2D, V1.2E, V1.2F, V1.2GObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0003Colibri PXA320 806MHzV2.0A, V2.0B, V2.0C, V2.0ZlatestColibriPXA320
0006Colibri PXA320IT 806MHzV1.2B, V1.2C, V1.2DObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0006Colibri PXA320IT 806MHzV2.0A, V2.0B, V2.0ClatestColibriPXA320
0020Colibri T20 1.0GHzV1.0A, V1.1AlatestColibriT20
0020Colibri T20 256MBV1.1B, V1.2AlatestColibriT20
0024Colibri T20 256MB ITV1.2A, V1.2BlatestColibriT20
0020Colibri T20 512MBV1.1ClatestColibriT20
0021Colibri T20 512MBV1.2AlatestColibriT20
0022Colibri T20 512MB ITV1.2A, V1.2BlatestColibriT20
0023Colibri T30 1GBV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C, V1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1C, V1.1D, V1.1E, V1.1F, V1.2AlatestColibriT30
0030Colibri T30 1GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.2AlatestColibriT30
0010Colibri VF50 128MBV1.0A, V1.1A, V1.2A, V1.2BlatestColibriVF50
0013Colibri VF50 128MB ITV1.1A, V1.2A, V1.2BlatestColibriVF50
0012Colibri VF61 256MB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.2A, V1.2B, V1.2ClatestColibriVF61
0011Colibri VF61 256MBV1.0A, V1.0B, V.0C, V1.1AlatestColibriVF61


Apalis Compatibility Table
PID4Product nameProduct versions (PID8)Pinout Designer versionDatabase familyDatabase nameComment
0035Apalis iMX6D 1GB ITV1.1A, V1.1BlatestApalisiMX6
0029Apalis iMX6D 512MBV1.0ANot Supported by the Pinout Designer
0029Apalis iMX6D 512MBV1.1A, V1.1BlatestApalisiMX6
0027Apalis iMX6Q 1GBV1.0A, V1.0BNot Supported by the Pinout Designer
0027Apalis iMX6Q 1GBV1.1A, V1.1BlatestApalisiMX6
0028Apalis iMX6Q 1GB ITV1.0AObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0028Apalis iMX6Q 2GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestApalisiMX6
0054Apalis iMX8DXP 1GBV1.1BlatestApalisiMX8DXP
0047Apalis iMX8QM 4GB ITV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.12ApalisiMX8This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0047Apalis iMX8QM 4GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestApalisiMX8
0067Apalis iMX8QM 8GB WB ITV1.1AlatestApalisiMX8_WB
0037Apalis iMX8QM 4GB WBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.12ApalisiMX8_WBThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0037Apalis iMX8QM 4GB WB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestApalisiMX8_WB
0049Apalis iMX8QP 2GBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.12ApalisiMX8This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0049Apalis iMX8QP 2GBV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestApalisiMX8
0048Apalis iMX8QP 2GB WBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.12ApalisiMX8_WBThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0048Apalis iMX8QP 2GB WBV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestApalisiMX8_WB
0053Apalis iMX8QXP 2GB ECC ITV1.0A, V1.1A, V1.1BlatestApalisiMX8QXP_ECC
0046Apalis iMX8QXP 2GB WB ITV1.0A, V1.1A, V1.1BlatestApalisiMX8QXP_WB
0026Apalis T30 1GBV1.0AObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0026Apalis T30 1GBV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.2AlatestApalisT30
0031Apalis T30 1GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.2AlatestApalisT30
0025Apalis T30 2GBV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C, V1.0D, V1.0EObsolete product, not supported by the Pinout Designer
0025Apalis T30 2GBV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.2AlatestApalisT30
0034Apalis TK1 2GBV1.0A, V1.0B, V1.0C, V1.1A1.3.8ApalisTK1This HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0034Apalis TK1 2GBV1.2A, V1.3AlatestApalisTK1
0042Apalis TK1 4GBV1.2AlatestApalisTK1


Verdin Compatibility Table
PID4Product nameProduct versions (PID8)Pinout Designer versionDatabase familyDatabase nameComment
0057Verdin iMX8M Mini DualLite 1GBV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestVerdinVerdin iMX8M DualLite 1GB
0060Verdin iMX8M Mini DualLite 1GB WB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1ClatestVerdiniMX8M DualLite 1GB WB IT
0059Verdin iMX8M Mini Quad 2GB ITV1.1A, V1.1B, V1.1C, V1.1DlatestVerdiniMX8M Mini Quad 2GB IT
0055Verdin iMX8M Mini Quad 2GB WB ITV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.14VerdiniMX8MM_WBThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0055Verdin iMX8M Mini Quad 2GB WB ITV1.1A, V1.1B ,V1.1C, V1.1D, V1.1E, V1.1FlatestVerdiniMX8M Mini Quad 2GB WB IT
0068Verdin iMX8M Mini Quad 2GB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Mini Quad 2GB WB IT (no CAN)Database identical with “iMX8M DualLite 1GB WB IT”
0056Verdin iMX8M Nano Quad 1GB WBV1.0A, V1.0BNot Supported by the Pinout Designer
0070Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 8GB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 8GB WB IT
0058Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 4GB WB ITV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.19VerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 4GB WB ITThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0058Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 4GB WB ITV1.1A, V1.1BlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 4GB WB IT
0063Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 4GB ITV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 4GB IT
0064Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 2GB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 2GB WB IT
0065Verdin iMX8M Plus QuadLite 1GB ITV1.0A1.3.19VerdiniMX8M Plus QuadLite 1GB ITThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0065Verdin iMX8M Plus QuadLite 1GB ITV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus QuadLite 1GB IT
0061Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 2GBV1.0A, V1.0B1.3.19VerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 2GBThis HW version is not supported by newer tool versions
0061Verdin iMX8M Plus Quad 2GBV1.1AlatestVerdiniMX8M Plus Quad 2GB
0071Verdin AM62 Solo 512MBV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Solo 512MB
0072Verdin AM62 Solo 512MB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Solo 512MB WB
0073Verdin AM62 Dual 1GB ETV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Dual 1GB
0074Verdin AM62 Dual 1GB ITV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Dual 1GB
0075Verdin AM62 Dual 1GB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Dual 1GB WBDatabase identical with “AM62 Quad 2GB WB”
0076Verdin AM62 Dual 2GB WB ITV1.1AlatestVerdinAM62 Dual 2GB WBDatabase identical with “AM62 Dual 1GB WB”

How to Start

Web Pinout Designer Tool

The Pinout Designer Tool is also available as a web-based app on Toradex Labs. Learn more and try it out today: Web Pinout Designer Tool

Web Pinout Designer Tool

Downloadable Application

Download the tool here at Toradex Pinout Designer Download Link

It is a Windows application. If you want to run on a Linux PC, check the section Running in Linux.

Offline Pinout Designer Tool

Check Available Interfaces

The tool makes it possible to check the availability of the interfaces in the module and detect possible resource conflicts when using the selected interfaces, in case:

  • A module’s edge pin is used for more than one interface at the same time
  • A SoC function is used more than once
  • A SoC pin is used more than once for different interfaces

The following procedures teach you how to do it.

  1. Start a new Configuration

Click "New" menu item on the left menu.

  1. Select the module you are evaluating

All the supported modules are shown in "Select Modules". Choose the one you will need.

  1. Check and select the available features

All the features available in the module are presented on the left panel. Choose which the you will need.

  1. Check for availability and conflicts

You can check the availability of the resources on the selected module in the columns "<Module> Compatibility". Some features share resources inside your SoM, so if any conflicts occur, the precise indication will be provided in the "Conflicts" column.

Compare Different Modules

The multiple modules selection feature enables you to quickly compare the interfaces across different modules. The following procedures teach you how to do it.

  1. Start a new Configuration

Click "New" menu item on the left menu.

  1. Select the module you are evaluating

All the supported modules are shown in the "Select Modules" modal. Choose which ones you will want to compare.

  1. Check and select the available features

All the features available in the module are presented on the left panel. Choose the ones you will need.

  1. Check for availability and conflicts

You can check the availability of the resources across different modules in the columns "<Module> Compatibility". Some features share resources inside your SoMs, so if any conflicts occur, the precise indication will be provided in the "Conflicts" column.

Introduction Video

Running in Linux

The Toradex Pinout Designer Tool is developed for the Windows Operating System. It can be run in Linux using Wine:


The instructions provided are for reference only. They were validated on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit.

Install Wine either from the distribution repository or following instructions from Wine website. For instance, for Ubuntu access

Install winetricks and .NET:

sudo apt install winetricks
winetricks dotnet45

Decompress the Toradex Pinout Designer Tool ZIP file, enter the "Release" directory and run from command-line:

wine Pinout\ Designer.exe

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