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Article updated at 28 Oct 2017
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How to get SYS_EN from Colibri modules

Colibri PXA270

  • Colibri PXA270 up to V1.2
    The SYS_EN signal is not available on Colibri PXA270.

Colibri PXA3xx

  • Colibri PXA300
    The SYS_EN signal is available on SODIMM pin 1. Since audio codec is not supported on Colibri PXA300, the SYS_EN signal is the only connected to PXA processor via a 10 kohm series resistor.
  • Colibri PXA300 XT / Colibri PXA310
    The SYS_EN signal is available on SODIMM pin 1. This signal is multiplexed with the MIC_IN signal as represented in the image below. There is a special capacitor circuit to split the two signals.
  • Colibri PXA320
    The SYS_EN signal is not available on Colibri PXA320.

To get the SYS_EN signal see the following circuit:

Colibri Txx, Colibri VFxx and Colibri iMX6

The SYS_EN signal is not available on these Colibri modules.