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WEC iMX6 BSP Release


The following table contains known issues, scheduled bug fixes, and feature improvements for the iMX Windows CE BSPs and images.

Any schedules are not guaranteed, but reflect the current planning. The planning could be shifted due to priority changes.
Issues which are scheduled for a specific version will be integrated in the mentioned version of the BSP.

We will update this table continuously in order to always provide the latest state of our development plan.

Odd beta versions, as 1.0b1 or 1.3b3, are internal releases only for testing. They are omitted from the table.

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Issue #StatusSubjectModuleSubsystemWinCE OS

V1.1beta2 (Release date: 2016-07-20)
- WEC 7 Updates: Installed Microsoft CE7 Updates until May 2016
- WEC 2013 Updates: Installed Microsoft CE8 Updates until May 2016
WC-473FixedApplication started from external storage crash at startup, including .NET applicationsColibri iMX6WEC2013

Description: Applications started from external storage (flashdisk or other media) crash a few seconds after loading. This happens also with .NET applications. Same applications runs fine when included in the OS image. This issue has been fixed in version 1.1beta2