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The following table contains known issues, scheduled bug fixes, and feature improvements for the PXA Windows CE BSPs and images.

Any schedules are not guaranteed, but reflect the current planning. The planning could be shifted due to priority changes.
Issues which are scheduled for a specific version will be integrated in the mentioned version of the BSP.

We will update this table continuously in order to always provide the latest state of our development plan.

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Issue #StatusSubjectModuleSubsystemWinCE OS

Not Planned
WC-1212Known IssueUnexpected RTS behavior when using RTS_Pol=1 and RTS_ToggleAlwaysOnColibri PXA320, Colibri PXA310, Colibri PXA270, Colibri PXA300 XT, Colibri PXA300UARTCE5, CE6

Description: When using RTSToggleAlwaysOn = 1 and RTS_Pol = 1 (e.g. for RS485) the RTS signal is active (1) when booting until the first data is sent sent. From then on it behaves as expected (only active when sending). The behavior is as expected when using RTS_Pol = 0, but of course with inverted levels.