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Toradex CE Libraries Release


The following table contains known issues, scheduled bug fixes, and feature improvements for the Toradex CE Libraries.

Any schedules are not guaranteed, but reflect the current planning. The planning could be shifted due to priority changes.
Issues which are scheduled for a specific version (e.g. V1.1) will be integrated in the mentioned version of the Libraries.

We will update this table continuously in order to always provide the latest state of our development plan.

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Issue #StatusSubjectModuleSubsystemWinCE OS

V1.8 (Release date: 2016-11-25)
- Added Gpio and Coproc support for iMX7
- Added Pwm support for Tegra
- Added SPI and Watchdog support for iMX6
- Added Can-through-SPI (MCP2515) support for Vybrid
Various bug fixes and improvements
WCL-852New Featureirqtrig=none does not behave as documentedApalis iMX6, Colibri iMX6GPIOWEC7, WEC2013

Description: The "none" value for irqtrig parameter has been removed since it was misleading, generating different behaviours on the different platforms and not actually disabling the interrupt as described. Irqtrig must be used to configure how the interrupt is detected (rising, falling edges, low or high level) and must be called before the interrupt is enabled. Int_InterruptInitialize and Int_InterruptDisable are the only functions that can be used to enable/disable interrupts.