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Acontis Technologies

What is acontis technologies

acontis technologies is a leading provider for EtherCAT Technology, Windows real-time software, and Real-Time Virtualization/Hypervisor Technology. The company is known for its high-quality products "Made in Germany". Their portfolio is completed by providing complementary Training, Support, and Software Services.

The range of their professional development services covers:

  • EtherCAT master software integration and slave software services
  • Industrial communication: CAN, Real-time Ethernet (e.g. EtherCAT)
  • Board Support Packages: Windows CE
  • Device Driver, firmware (Windows XP/CE)
  • Applications (C, C++, C#, .NET Framework, Algorithms, HMI)


Toradex and acontis technologies have a close partnership. This partnership is celebrated in the Partner Demo Image - EC-Master, now available for download in the Toradex Easy Installer image format.


We recommend the Partner Demo Image - acontis EC-Master EtherCAT Stack. Please refer to the article and learn how to start with it.

Available pre-built images

Supported CoMImage Format
Apalis iMX6Toradex Easy Installer
Apalis iMX8Toradex Easy Installer
Colibri iMX8XToradex Easy Installer
Verdin AM62Toradex Easy Installer
Verdin iMX8M MiniToradex Easy Installer
Verdin iMX8M PlusToradex Easy Installer

Build Your Custom Yocto Image

In case you want to build your own image, acontis offers a Yocto layer for the integration of the atemsys kernel module. For more information, refer to the documentation on the acontis/meta-acontis Github repository.

Compatible Modules for EtherCAT Master from acontis

The following Computer on Modules are supported for the acontis EtherCAT Master:


Please contact acontis for more information.


EtherCAT Master Software - from Setup to Application Implementation in no time!

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