Toradex Easy Installer Overview
This article aims to give a quick overview about the Toradex Easy Installer tool.
What is the Toradex Easy Installer?
Toradex Easy Installer (Tezi) is a Linux-based standard tool provided by Toradex. It is provided pre-installed in all newer Toradex System on Modules and contains several features and is the recommended way to flash your image. Toradex Easy Installer (or Tezi) aims to:
- Allow users to install a selection of Operating System images into the internal flash memory of Toradex modules in an extremely simple way.
- Allow for fully automated volume production as it allows for no-touch installation of custom images.
- Offer configuration options for advanced users such as pre-install and post-install script execution and customized partitioning schemes.
The Toradex Easy Installer application runs completely in memory so that the complete internal flash can be erased, (re-)partitioned, formatted, or written to. The image to be flashed can be obtained over the Internet (via Ethernet), from a USB Flash Drive or an SD card.
Please note that not every module is compatible with the Toradex Easy Installer. A list of compatible modules can be found on Toradex Easy Installer - Load Toradex Easy Installer.
Toradex Easy Installer Overview
In this section, you will be redirected for another sources of information through all the Toradex Developer website that will help you understand and use the tool.
If you are looking for in-depth information on Toradex Easy Installer, refer to Detailed Manual article, as you will find useful information in order to configure your image for automatic installation, and you will also find detailed instructions for creating your local image server for Easy Installer.
Generating Tezi Compatible Image
To flash an image via Toradex Easy Installer, it is necessary to generate a Tezi-compatible image. The links below offer some guidance on how to generate, customize and build an image using Yocto Project and TorizonCore Builder tool.
Regarding the usage of Yocto Project to build an image, you can read the following articles:
- Build a Reference Image with Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded
- Reference Images for Yocto Project Software Downloads
- Build TorizonCore from Source With Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded
Regarding the usage of TorizonCore Builder tool, you can go to the following articles to discover how to customize a TorizonCore reference image.
- TorizonCore Builder Tool - Customizing TorizonCore Images
- Pre-provisioning Docker Containers onto a TorizonCore image
Also, if you don't want to use either TorizonCore Builder or Yocto, you can build from source code using the workflow described in the Build U-Boot and Linux Kernel from Source Code article.
Flashing a New OS Image
As mentioned, Tezi comes pre-installed in the Toradex System on Modules and its main goal is to allow for easy installation of OS images into the flash memory. With Tezi, it's possible to either load one of Toradex's available pre-built images or use your own build. If you are looking for information on how to flash your OS image using Tezi, refer to Flash a New Image Using Toradex Easy Installer.
Download and Install Toradex Easy Installer Image
If you have already flashed an OS into your Computer-on-Module, you can follow the steps to reload Tezi into the RAM of the module, so you can flash it with the desired image.
- Download a new Toradex Easy Installer image.
- Enter in Recovery Mode. Refer to the article that is suitable for the specific module you are using.
- Then Load the Toradex Easy Installer to the internal flash.
After these steps, you will be back at the main graphical user interface and be able to easily install an OS image.
Production Programming
You can use Toradex Easy Installer to install your production Linux-based software. For this, execute the following steps:
- Generate a Tezi Compatible Image: To flash an image via Toradex Easy Installer, it is necessary to generate a Tezi-compatible image. For this, you can use Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded or TorizonCore Builder Tool.
- Prepare and enable your Tezi for Production Programming: Refer to the instructions in the Production Programming for Linux article.
Toradex Easy Installer Custom Boot and Scripts
On all modules, the Toradex Easy Installer will boot from on-module flash, either via custom scripts (for raw NAND based devices) or using distroboot scripts on the first internal partition (for modules using eMMC). In some cases, special boot parameters need to be passed to Toradex Easy Installer.
- If you want in-depth information of the process of customizing the boot process, refer to Toradex Easy Installer Custom Boot.
- If you are looking for a use case example, refer to Toradex Easy Installer Custom Boot Scripts.
Toradex Easy Installer Customization
Each Easy Installer compatible image is described in a JSON image file. Toradex provides images with a proper JSON image file. Yet, depending on the use case you might need to alter the JSON image file e.g. to add an additional partition. The easiest way is to take an existing image.json file and alter it accordingly.
- Refer to the Configuration Files articles to find a description of what are the possible configuration options for the Easy Installer image installation process.
- For a case-oriented example, check the Toradex Easy Installer Customization article.
Supported Modules
See the Toradex Easy Installer releases.
Next Steps
Search through the cards bellow to find your next step:
Flash a New Image Using Toradex Easy Installer
Flash a new OS image (custom build or pre-built image) using the Toradex Easy Installer.
Download Toradex Easy Installer
Download the Toradex Easy Installer (also known as Tezi) to install images in your System on Module.
Loading Toradex Easy Installer
Load the Toradex Easy Installer into your System on Module through the host machine.
Production Programming for Linux
Program multiple System on Modules with your unique software for production using the Toradex Easy Installer and alternative methods.
How to Modify a Toradex Easy Installer Image
Create a modified image of Toradex Easy Installer by changing the kernel and/or device tree or rootfs.
How to Customize Toradex Easy Installer Boot
Customize the boot process and scripts of the Toradex Easy Installer tool (Tezi).
Toradex Easy Installer Configuration Files
Know information about the configuration properties used for customizing the Toradex Easy Installer JSON files.
Toradex Easy Installer Issue Tracker
Verify the Toradex Easy Installer known issues and feature requests.
Detailed Manual
Obtain technical information about the Toradex Easy Installer tool (Tezi).
Solve possible issues using Toradex Easy Installer (Tezi).