Qt for Device Creation

Toradex and The Qt Company have a close partnership to accelerate development and simplify licensing for the commercial Qt for Device Creation (formerly Qt Enterprise Embedded). This partnership is celabrated in the Partner Demo Image - Qt for Device Creation now available for download in the Toradex Easy Installer image format.
To get started we recommend you our Partner Demo Image - Qt for Device Creation. You can evaluate Qt for Device Creation in just a few clicks.
Contact the closest Toradex office to buy the Qt runtime and get started developing.
What is Qt for Device Creationβ
Qt is a C++ cross-platform application and UI framework. Qt for Device Creation is a commercial offering from Qt which includes an IDE, Boot2Qt and much more to simplify the development with Qt.
Qt for Device Creation includes pre-built embedded Linux images for Colibri VF50, Colibri VF61, Colibri iMX7, Colibri iMX6, Apalis iMX6 and Apalis iMX8 modules (Boot to Qt images). With the Toradex Easy Installer you can directly install the Boot2QT Image into the embedded Flash memory in just a few clicks. Alternative the Boot2Qt images are also part of the free 30-day evaluation version of Qt for Device Creation.
Qt for Device Creation includes:
- Professional Integrated tooling with Qt Creator enterprise IDE
- Immediate Prototyping with the pre-built Boot to Qt software stack
- Value-Add components: Qt Quick Enterprise Controls, Qt Virtual Keyboard, Qt Charts, Qt Data Visualization
- Licensing terms more compatible with commercial project requirements
- Complimentary technical support
- Ultimately leading to shorter Time-to-Market
Next Stepsβ
We recommend the Partner Demo Image - Qt for Device Creation to get started. Then, you can refer to the Qt documentation.
Kickstart your Qt Project on NXP i.MX 8 Series of Applications Processors with Toradexβ
Please visit Kickstart your Qt Project on NXP i.MX 8 Series Application Processors to get access to the webinar recording from The Qt Company.