Node.js and Node-RED on Linux
For Torizon users, you may want to check Node.js on Torizon and Node-RED on Torizon.
This Article explains how to install Node.js
, npm
, and Node-RED
to a Linux Image, then Blink a LED using the GPIOs.
Node.js Setupβ
While Building a Linux Imageβ
Node.js can be added to an OpenEmbedded Linux build for inclusion into the image's rootfs. After establishing the image build configuration, additionally, append the following line to the oe-core/build/conf/local.conf
You may also include NPM:
CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "nodejs nodejs-npm"
You may find the page TipsAndTricks/NPM from the Yocto Project Wiki useful.
Performance & Suitabilityβ
Since Node.js is a server-side interpreter for the Javascript language, it is expected to perform slower than a compiled language such as C/C++. However, because of its event-driven paradigm, it may well suit web I/O intensive tasks, such as implementing a web server.
Still, Node.js can also be viable for tasks that aren't very CPU intensive, which may be a fast development solution since Javascript is a high level programming language.
Node-RED Setupβ
Installing Node-REDβ
Install Node-RED with the following command:
# npm install -g node-red --unsafe-perm
Running Node-REDβ
Start Node-RED by running the following command on the terminal:
# node-red
GPIO - Blinking LEDβ
var fs = require('fs');
var export_path = '/sys/class/gpio/export';
var blink_period = 500; //in milisseconds
var gpio_53 = new NewGpio(53, 'out', 0);
function NewGpio (id, direction, state) {
this.number = id;
this.path = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio' + id + '/';
this.direction = direction;
this.value = state;
function export_pin (pin, callback){
//callback has error as argument, or null if no error
fs.stat(pin.path, function(err, stats) {
if (!err) callback(null, pin);//if gpio already exported
else{//if gpio not exported yet
//export it
fs.writeFile(export_path, pin.number, function (err) {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, pin);
function configure_pin(pin, callback){
//callback has error as argument, or null if no error
fs.writeFile(pin.path + 'direction', pin.direction, function (err) {
if (err) callback(err, null);
else callback(null, pin);
function blink(pin){
fs.writeFile(pin.path + 'value', pin.value, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
pin.value ? pin.value = 0 : pin.value = 1;
//here the code execution starts
export_pin( gpio_53, function (err, pin) {
if (err) throw err;
configure_pin(pin, function (err, pin) {
if (err) throw err;
}, blink_period);//call blink periodically