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Version: BSP 6.x.y

Cameras (Linux)


This article provides an overview of software support for cameras on Toradex System on Modules. For information about available products and camera interfaces, see Supported Cameras.

Unless you use a camera with a proprietary API, usually it is listed as a /dev/videoX device that can be controlled and configured from the user space using the Video4Linux2, a.k.a v4l2 API and utils, and accessed using the GStreamer API and utils. Learn more on related articles:

BSP Layers and Reference Images for Yocto Project

With cameras, device driver integration may be a challenge. You should consider how good is the Linux device driver support from your camera vendor. The following article provides an walktrough on using a CSI camera.

Torizon OS

Torizon OS is based on the BSP Layers for Yocto Project and includes a container engine, which requires utilities to be installed within containers. Learn more about cameras on Torizon OS in the following articles:

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