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Version: Torizon OS 7.x.y

List of Container Images for Torizon


Torizon OS uses containers as a key technology. Users may choose to deploy their own containers, but Toradex provides selected pre-built containers as a development starting point instead of a solution from scratch.

  • Torizon Debian Containers: are containers that are meant to be run directly on the target hardware - the Computer on Module. You use them as a base to create your own containers, with your own application and its dependencies. More about them at the dedicated article, Debian Containers for Torizon.

Other containers are provided by third parties:

  • Partner Demo Containers: containers provided by Toradex partners specifically for the Torizon Cloud.
  • Third-party Containers: containers available from other sources, not necessarily related to Toradex, such as the Docker Hub ecosystem, which includes more than 100.000 images from software vendors, open-source projects, and the community. They are useful and potentially ready-to-run on Torizon.

The following containers are not tested nor supported by Toradex. Each partner is responsible for making sure their containers work with the latest Torizon OS quarterly release.

This article lists containers and points to additional resources.


Torizon Application Containers

Toradex containers are meant to be used as the foundation for your application development.

Image NameDescriptionLearn More
debianBase image to start a simple Container.Debian Containers for Torizon
wayland-baseContains Wayland libraries without a compositorDebian Containers for Torizon
westonContains Wayland libraries and Weston compositorDebian Containers for Torizon
weston-touch-calibratorContains Weston compositor and tools for touch calibrationDebian Containers for Torizon
qt5-waylandContains Wayland libraries and Qt5 librariesQt Debian Container for Torizon
qt5-wayland-examplesContains pre-built Qt5 examples for quick evaluationQt Debian Container for Torizon
qt6-waylandContains Wayland libraries and Qt6 librariesQt Debian Container for Torizon
qt6-wayland-examplesContains pre-built Qt6 examples for quick evaluationQt Debian Container for Torizon
wayland-gtk3Contains Wayland libraries and GTK3 librariesDebian Containers for Torizon
chromiumContains the Chromium browser to run web-based GUIsWeb Browser / Kiosk Mode with Torizon OS
cogContains the Cog browser to run web-based GUIsWeb Browser / Kiosk Mode with Torizon OS
cross-toolchain-arm64Contains Cross Toolchain targeting aarch64 (arm64)Debian Containers for Torizon
cross-toolchain-armContains Cross Toolchain targeting armv7Debian Containers for Torizon
dotnet8Contains .NET 8 runtime and libraries for developmentDebian Containers for Torizon
dotnet8-aspContains .NET 8 ASP.NET runtime for web developmentDebian Containers for Torizon
dotnet8-debugContains .NET 8 runtime with debugging toolsDebian Containers for Torizon
dotnet8-waylandContains .NET 8 runtime with Wayland supportDebian Containers for Torizon
dotnet8-gtk3Contains .NET 8 runtime with GTK3 supportDebian Containers for Torizon

Torizon SDK Containers

Toradex provides SDK containers to work with the Torizon IDE Extension.

Torizon Development Tools

Development tools are provided as containers that assist the development. We provide documentation to abstract their usage, making your life easier.

TorizonCore Builder ToolCustomization for Production Programming and Torizon OTA

Partner Demo Containers

To leverage the flexibility of the Torizon Cloud, Toradex partners with software companies from different industry segments and technologies to offer you Partner Demo Containers. Those containers are ready-to-run demonstrations with out-of-the-box compatibility to both Toradex hardware and the Torizon Cloud.

PartnerDemo ContainerBrief Description
CodesysCodesysCodesys PLC RuntimeCODESYS programmable logic controller (PLC) demo runtime on a Torizon container and how to use it
CrankCrank SoftwareCrank StoryboardCrank Storyboard allows you to build embedded systems optimized, rich GUI on a cross-platform IDE Matrikon OPC UA
Matrikon Matrikon OPC UA ServerMatrikon OPC UA Server implementation by GmbH

Third-party Containers

Those images are available on public registries, such as Docker Hub. They are maintained by third parties that are not related to Toradex. They are listed here because at some point in time we have tested them on Torizon and documented it, thus you know that they are good candidates for you to use.

ContainerArticleBrief Description
Node-REDNode-REDHow to get started with Node-RED on Torizon
InfluxDBUsing Multiple Containers with TorizonCoreHow to run multiple containers using InfluxDB and Grafana as examples
GrafanaUsing Multiple Containers with TorizonCoreHow to run multiple containers using InfluxDB and Grafana as examples

Keep in mind that the third-party containers ecosystem is much wider than the containers listed above. You can search on Docker Hub for Arm and Arm64 containers related to your project's needs and test them yourself.

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