You can use Shortcuts to start programs with command parameters from the AutoRun folder.
Example Shortcut file (.lnk) for using Remote Display via Ethernet:
42#"\USB HD\CERDISP2.EXE" –h192.168.104.43 –c
Example Shortcut file (.lnk) for debug with a Microsoft Virtual PC via Ethernet:
64#"\USB HD\cemgrc.EXE" /s /t:tcpipc.dll /q /d:
If you edit a shortcut in WinCE with the "Windows Explorer" file manager, you may run into the following issue:
Your changes seem not being saved, but instead another file is created.
The reason is that when known file extensions are not displayed, the shortcut is stored in a file with the same basename but without extension resulting in two files, the original shortcut.lnk and shortcut.
You have two options:
- delete the original file and rename the new file to have the extension .lnk
- uncheck the "Hide File Extensions" in the menu View/Options of "Windows Explorer" and redo your changes.
If you do not required a command parameter you can also just right click on the .exe you like to launch, select _copy_. Now go to the place where you like to have the short cut and press right click again. Now select _Past Shortcut_.