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Update Tool


The Update Tool is part of the standard image.

With this tool, you can easily do the following:

Please also watch our Update Tool Video Tutorial.

Which Version To Use

Update Tool
PXAUse the tool which is part of the PXA OS image download
    Always use the latest version
    [Update Tool for Tegra](
i.MX6Use the tool which is part of the i.MX6 OS image download
Vybrid (VF50, VF61)Use the tool which is part of the VF50/VF61 OS image download

Locations on the device

  • Start menu: Start->Programs->ColibriTools->UpdateTool
  • File system: \Windows\update.exe

Update Tool Help and remarks

When to flash using CFG file (Tegra Only)

Since Update Tool 6.0 you can flash a your module using the .cfg file. This file actually references all the other files (nb0, bmz, ..) that have to be flashed. Additionally it also re-layouts the module. We recommend to initially flash your modules using the .cfg files. In a field upgrade we recommend to update only single sections, like image, flashdisk or bootloader if not required differently.

Downgrade from 1.4 and later (Tegra only)

In case you have a module flashed with image 1.4 or later and want to downgrade to a previous image, you have to use the latest Update Tool and apply the image by using the .CFG file. We updated all the config files also in previous image bundles. Make sure your config file contains the following line nandecc=rs4. If not get the .CFG from the latest image bundle of the image you want to flash.

Upgrade from images V1.0 (Tegra only)

If you upgrade your Tegra device from image 1.0 to a newer image version you have to use at least Update Tool 6.0. One additional step is required:

  • Run first updatetool.exe /u default.bct. This forces the device to upgrade the BCT
  • After that you can run the image upgrade as for for any other image. Example: updatetool.exe /u ce7.cfg .

Command Line Interface

Command Line Parameters (Tegra, PXA and Vybrid (BSP version 1.4 and earlier) )

Update an Image, bootloader or another flash section.
/u path

Example: update.exe /u \USB HD\flashbackup.bin

Backup the whole Flash to a .bin File
/b path

Example: update.exe /b \USB HD\flashbackup.bin

Save registry to Flash Memory

Example: update.exe /f

Save registry to Flash Memory unattended (no additional user input required)

Example: update.exe /fu

Save registry to Flash Memory unattended and not show any errors

Example: update.exe /fue

Clear registry

Example: update.exe /c

Clear registry unattended (no additional user input required)

Example: update.exe /cu

Wipe Flash Drive and Registry

Colibri T20 only: Wipe Flash Drive and Registry. This is strongly recommended when upgrading from an image older than 1.2.

Deprecated since V2.0beta1, Update Tool 6.0.1


Example: update.exe /w

Wipe Flash Drive and Registry unattended (no additional user input required)
  • Colibri T20 only: This is strongly recommended when upgrading from an image older than 1.2.

Deprecated since V2.0beta1, Update Tool 6.0.1


Example: update.exe /wu

Wipe Flash Drive and Registry unattended (no additional user input required), suppress all errors

Colibri T20 only: This is strongly recommended when upgrading from an image older than 1.2.

Deprecated since V2.0beta1, Update Tool 6.0.1


Example: update.exe /wue

Reset the Colibri



Example: update.exe /r

Reset the Colibri


/rc[Time in ms] 

Example Coldboot immediately: update.exe /rc

Example Coldboot after a 2 second delay: update.exe /rc2000

For PXAxxx WinCE Image V3.3 beta 1 and onward, it is possible to use more than one command line parameter.

Example: update.exe /cu /u \USB HD\eboot.bin /u \USB HD\nk.bin /rc

Force using RS4 ECC algorithm (Colibri T20 only)
/nandecc rs4 (deprecated)

This parameter has to be used in case you want to downgrade to an image older than 1.4 to make sure your module runs with the supported RS4 error correction algorithm.

Note: We recommend to use the *.CFG files to upgrade / downgrade between 1.3 and older and 1.4 and newer.

Command Line Parameters (i.MX6, i.MX7, Vybrid (BSP version 1.5b2 and later))

Update an Image, bootloader or another flash section.
/u section,format,path

Example: update.exe /u os,compressed,\TEMP\nk8.nbx

Supported sections and formats (text in brackets shows the typical file filter for this format):

sectionsupported formats
supported formats
supported formats
oscompressed (*.nbx)
osbin (*.bin)bin (*.bin)bin (*.bin)
bootloaderraw (*.imx)raw (*.imx)raw (*.img)
bootloaderspl (*.spl)
registryraw (*.i6r)raw (*.i7r)raw (*.ivr)
configblockraw (*.cfg)raw (*.cfg)raw (*.cfg)
splashscreenraw (*.tss)raw (*.tss)raw (*.dat)
splraw (SPL)
filesystemraw (*.i6f)raw (*.i7f)raw (*.ivf)
Backup a section to file
/s section,format,path

Example: update.exe /s configblock,raw,\Temp\config.cfg

Supported sections and formats (text in brackets shows the typical file filter for this format):

sectionsupported formats
supported formats
supported formats
registryraw (*.i6r)raw (*.i7r)raw (*.ivr)
configblockraw (*.cfg)raw (*.cfg)raw (*.cfg)
filesystemraw (*.i6f)raw (*.i7f)raw (*.ivf)
Save registry to Flash Memory

Example: update.exe /f

Save registry to Flash Memory unattended (no additional user input required)

Example: update.exe /fu

Clear registry

Example: update.exe /c

Clear registry unattended (no additional user input required)

Example: update.exe /cu

Reset the Colibri



Example: update.exe /r

Reset the Colibri


/rc[Time in ms] 

Example Coldboot immediately: update.exe /rc

Example Coldboot after a 2 second delay: update.exe /rc2000

On i.MX there is no difference between /r and /rc, a cold boot will be always performed

Return Values

When you start the Update tool via command line, you can check the return value to verify if the Update was successful.

  • FALSE: Error
  • TRUE: Successful

Update Splash Screen

For information on Splash Screen refer this article. Once you have a splash screen image in the Bmz format, you can update the splash screen by using the Update Tool.

  1. Open the update tool.
  2. Click on Update.
  3. Change the Type to SplashScreen file.
  4. Select the Bmz file and click ok.

When updating the Splash Screen the LCD settings are automatically exported to the bootloader config block, except on the Colibri/Apalis iMX6 and Colibri iMX7. On that modules, you need to set the display timings in the SplashScreen Configblock settings, or use the iMX6 Display Tool.
The field ss.dbginfo always gets set to 0 when updating the splash screen.


In case you need a more customized Update processes, you can use our Update Lib. For example, this allows you to show your own progress bar.

On i.MX6 the update library uses the new API, you can download our libraries and find a full documented reference inside the download package.


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